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Fort Lee Soccer Club

Rec Fall Outdoor League


The OUTDOOR program will consist of weekly practices from 6 PM to 9 PM, with each group practicing for one hour. This 8-week program will feature a low player-to-trainer ratio. It will begin the week after Labor Day and end in early November.

Tuition: $TBD
Age Groups: 2012 to 2021
Training: One hour per week for 8 weeks
Games: 8 games on Sundays from 2 PM to 7 PM, with each age group playing for one hour

We welcome volunteer parent team managers and game coaches (no training required).

Game Location: Fort Lee Middle School Field
Practice Locations: Van Fleet Park or Middle School Field (final location will be sent via TeamSnap)

Age Groups (For REC Program ONLY, final schedule date to be determined):

  • PEEWEE DIVISION: 2021 - 2019
    Practice Time: 6 - 7 PM, one weekday
  • FRESHMAN DIVISION: 2018 - 2017
    Practice Time: 7 - 8 PM, one weekday
  • SOPHOMORE DIVISION: 2016 - 2015
    Practice Time: 7 - 8 PM, one weekday
  • JUNIOR / SENIOR DIVISION: 2014 - 2012
    Practice Time: 8 - 9 PM, one weekday

Any questions? Please email [email protected] 



Parents /Friends guidelines:

• Treat all players (including the opposing players) as well as the opposing coaches, all fellow spectators, the referees and League coordinators with respect
Respect the officials and their authority during games and never question, discuss, or confront coaches at the game field, and will take time to speak with coaches at an agreed upon time and place
• Set a good example for the young players who in turn will follow our conduct – no hostility, violence nor engagement in any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct with any official, coach, player, or parent such as booing or taunting; refusing to shake hands; or using profane languages or gestures
Do not enter the playing surface during the game for any reason unless invited by the referee or a League Board member
• Parents must immediately notify their child's coach if they will be missing a practice or game for a legitimate reason
• Parents are to refrain from interfering by shouting directions at the team during play. Remember the program is for the benefit of the children and not to satisfy family members / friends own ambitions or desires
• Understands the risks. A soccer game is full of mistakes. Playing soccer is a willingness to chance a failure
• Communicate with the coach and create a positive working relationship
• Controls negative emotions and thinks positively
• Provide ample space on the bench area for the coaches and players to sit while managing the game.  Do not crowd the bench area
• Persons violating these guidelines may result in expulsion from the facility immediately AND subject to additional punitive measures by the league. This violation will include either a written warning from the league, parental game(s) or season suspension, which would prevent the parent from entering any facility during which any soccer practice or game is being conducted
• NO Smoking E-Cigarettes and or Cigarettes allowed at our facilities / fields

Player guidelines:

• Treat all players, both teammates and opposing players, opposing coaches, all fellow spectators, the referees and League coordinators with respect and dignity
• Respect the officials and their authority during games
• Play by the rules and resolve any concerns without resorting to hostility or violence. Never engage in any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct with any official, coach, player, or parent such as booing or taunting; refusing to shake hands; or using profane languages or gestures
• Players violating these guidelines may result in expulsion from the facility immediately AND subject to additional punitive measures by the league. This violation will include either a written warning from the league, parental game(s) or season suspension, which would prevent the parent from entering any facility during which any soccer practice or game is being conducted

Players Equipment:

• League will supply player game shirts
• League to supply game soccer balls
• Families to supply indoor soccer sneakers, soccer socks and shin guards, black shorts
NO JEWELERY to be warn during practices and games
• Families to supply player game time water / refreshments


• The referee has the full authority to enforce the laws of the game and his decision is final. The referee controls the match. The referee ensures that the ball and players' equipment meets the requirements, acts as timekeeper and stops play for infringement of the laws among several other duties
• Player safety is the number one priority
• Most fouls and misconduct are due to pushing, holding or tripping and result in a free kick. Other ones to watch out for are handballs and charging

Game Information:

• Approximately 8 to 10 players per team dependent upon the division
• Approximately 6 to 7 players on the field per team dependent upon the division
• If the normal compliment of players are not in attendance for a game, that team will play down one less than its competition throughout the game. Additionally, the team with the full complement of players will still be allowed to substitute players in and out.  However, should players arrive later in the game those players can enter the game and play can resume as normal.
• Games are played on Sundays @ various fields in Fort Lee
• Matches will consist of two 25 minute halves, unless the two teams and referee agree otherwise before the start of play. Half-time must not exceed 5 minutes, and can only be altered upon consent of the referee

Game Rules:

• Kick off at the center line will begin a match and start the second half
• A Goal Kick is granted when the attacking team kicks the ball behind the goalie Net line causing a stoppage in play. The kicker cannot touch the ball again until it has left the penalty area and has been touched by another player on either team. The ball CANNOT cross the midline on a fly by a goalie kick. If so, the position will transfer over to the other team.
• The ball is in play at all times unless (1) stopped by the referee (2) ball lands behind the goalie net (3) the ball is out of play
• When the ball goes out of play over the touch line, throw-ins will take place
• Corner Kicks are allowed
• Offside’s will be called
• All kicks are In-Direct
• There are no time outs.  The clock runs continuously (unless of course a player is injured or other major concern)
• Penalty Kicks will be handed out when a player commits a foul in their own penalty area
• Free Kicks will be handed out when a player commits a foul
• Substitutions can be made only when a player comes off and is sanctioned by the referee
• A goal is scored when the whole ball crosses the goal line between the posts and crossbar, provided there is no infringement such as offside, a foul or handball
• The team that scores the most goals wins the match. If the number of goals scored between the two sides is equal at the end of a match, it is a draw
• There are NO standings kept. The purpose of the in-town indoor soccer program is to have fun and to continue playing soccer during the fall. Even though standings are not kept, when you are leading by six (6) goals, good sportsmanship demands that you play your substitutes - score differentials should not exceed nine (9) goals
• There will be divisional season ending tournaments in which Champions are crowned
• An abandoned match is forfeited
• If a goalie touches the ball with his hands outside the penalty area, the opposition is awarded a direct free kick from the point of the infraction.
• Opposing players must be 5 yards away from the ball on a free-kick, a kick in, and a kick off.
• A team may play up to one player more if the opposing team cannot field the required number of players to play the game.

To Register:  


** Disclaimer: The above outline program can change due to unforeseen circumstances like pricing, player, field and league availability but not only limited to this said list. FLSC will endeavor to send reasonable notice to all families for any material program changes. 

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